For Investors
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Syndicates completed on the AngelList Platform
Round: Series B
Lead investor: Y Combinator
Round: Series C
Lead investor: CRV
Round: Series D
Lead investor: Tiger Global
Round: Series A
Lead investor: Spark Capital
All investors on AngelList should be accredited investors
We require that you either have worked for, invested in, or advised a startup
Backing 10-15 Syndicate Leads should expose you to a wide range of deals.
Become an investorAll investors on AngelList should be accredited investors
Our full-suite of tools helps you build the right portfolio for you
A fully electronic and integrated investment closing process
Detailed portfolio and investment insights dashboards
We prepare tax returns and K-1 distributions for the lifetime of your investment
When you back a syndicate, you’re under no obligation to invest in any deals. You are committing to keeping any information you receive private and confidential.
You can view a list of syndicates you’ve applied to on the Your Syndicates page within your Invest app. Click on Syndicates in the header, then click on the tab labeled "Your Syndicates."
You can view a list of syndicates you’ve applied to on the Applications Pending page within your Invest app. Click on Syndicates in the header, then click on the tab labeled "Applications Pending."
When leads review syndicate applications, they see the following:
The best ways to improve your chances of being accepted to a syndicate are:
Once you’ve applied to back a syndicate, it’s up to the lead to review and accept or reject your application. Most leads review applications quite regularly, while others review rarely. Unfortunately, AngelList cannot provide you with a timeline of when you’ll receive a response– it’s ultimately up to the lead.