Product News

Introducing: SAFE E-Signing

Close SAFE investments faster by collecting signatures within Stack.

Jun 2, 20221 min read

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Introducing e-signing. Founders using AngelList can now access a virtual closing environment to close SAFEs. With e-signing, founders and their investors benefit from a more efficient way to execute SAFEs.

How it Works

  1. Generate a SAFE with your desired terms using
  2. Once complete, will generate dedicated signature links for the founder and investor.
  3. Signatory information for founders and investors is pre-populated, but can be updated by the signing party as needed.
  4. Signatories must confirm identity via a verification code sent to their email.
  5. Once both parties have signed, a copy of the completed SAFE is sent via email. saved us hours during our seed round. Each SAFE took seconds and I didn’t have to worry about mistakes or formatting errors.

Eric Zhang, 2.5 Intelligence

Create your own SAFE with


The SAFE e-sign feature is governed by the ESIGN Act and the Terms of Service. Nothing on this page or the linked tools shall constitute legal or tax advice of any kind.

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