Institutional-Grade Reporting Metrics
Arming fund managers with the knowledge they need to make smart decisions.
Nov 14, 2022 — 4 min read

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- We've added more reporting metrics to your GP performance dashboard, including TVPI, IRR, DPI, RVPI, and MOIC.
- We've added our proprietary markups over baseline (MOB) metric to your GP performance dashboard.
- MOB is a better predictor of future fund performance than present IRR or TVPI.
Smart investing requires good information. Today, we’ll begin rolling out an institutional-grade version of our GP performance dashboard that gives GPs a birds-eye-view of their portfolio and helps them make more informed investment decisions. The updated dashboard is already live for some GPs, and will continue to be pushed live for others through the end of the year.
Here’s what to expect.
Robust Reporting
To provide GPs with as much information as possible, we’ve added a variety of reporting metrics in our new GP dashboard for Venture Funds, Rolling Funds, and Syndicates:
- Distributions to paid-in capital (DPI)
- Residual value to paid-in capital (RVPI)
- Total value paid-in (TVPI)
- Internal rate of return (IRR)
- Multiple on invested capital (MOIC)
- Markups over baseline (MOB)

You can click each metric within the dashboard to understand how it’s calculated.
What’s more, the investment table has been updated to include the paid and current price per share, when relevant. GPs can export their full investment history to see more detailed information. We’ve also added safeguards to protect against unreliable data, ensuring the information contained in your dashboard isn’t misleading or incorrect.
Markups Over Baseline
For the first time, AngelList’s proprietary “markups over baseline” (MOB) metric will be available to all fund managers with at least 10 investments.
MOB represents the rate at which a fund manager’s deals have been marked up beyond what we’d expect from a stage- and time-matched set of deals on the AngelList Platform. This baseline is established using the thousands of deals that take place on the AngelList Platform annually to determine the expected number of markups in a portfolio.
For more information on how MOB works, visit our Help Center.
Why MOB Matters
Our data suggests MOB is a better predictor of future performance (i.e., future IRR and TVPI) than present IRR or TVPI. This is because MOB doesn’t measure the amount an investment is marked up, which means it will not be skewed by large outliers in the same way IRR and TVPI can be.
For example, a fund with a single 100x performer and 20 bad investments will have a great IRR and TVPI, but a bad MOB score. In this case, a low MOB suggests the GP may have gotten lucky with their single great investment, and might be unlikely to replicate that performance. In contrast, a fund whose best investment was only a 5x but saw lots of markups could have a mediocre IRR and TVPI, but a high MOB score. In this case, MOB suggests the GP’s future investments are likely to perform much better than the current baseline, since the GP may have just been unlucky to not have a top-performing investment from their set of markups.
In other words, a good MOB score indicates an investment proficiency that’s likely to replicate over the long-term.
Additionally, because MOB only measures if an investment was ever marked up, it can provide insights into the performance of your portfolio on a much shorter time horizon than other reporting metrics.
What’s Next?
The new GP performance dashboard is part of an ongoing effort to improve our offering to institutional fund managers and investors. Next year, we’ll be releasing additional reporting updates, including:
- Additional options for sharing fund performance metrics with LPs.
- The ability to review executed documents signed by founders, like SAFEs, pro rata side letters, and more.
- More detailed carry breakdowns for deal partners and carry recipients.
Ready to become an AngelList GP? Launch your own fund on AngelList today ->
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